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Want the dough? You've got to grow! Practice equals growth.

Oct 21, 2020

Want the dough? You gotta grow!

Why are 8 of 10 people unfulfilled (and poor)? 

They quit growing.

Michael is a no-frills guy. As one of the most knowledgeable coaches and trainers in the United States in health, fitness, and mindset, he makes complex ideas simple. His health-seeking...

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Money? People say it's not the most important thing. Oh, really?

Oct 19, 2020

There are 1,000s of ways to describe money freedom.

There is one way that we all can agree on; you know when you don't have freedom.

Why money is important; to end the pain and suffering of life. What could be more important than that?

Michael is a no-frills guy. As one of the most...

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How to not run the wrong way; the character of a person matters

Oct 16, 2020

Roy Riegels will forever be known for running the wrong way in the 1929 Rose Bowl.

What's an Eagle known for? How about a hog? 

You can always change and soar like an eagle. 

Michael is a no-frills guy. As one of the most knowledgeable coaches and trainers in the United States in...

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Why is money as important as oxygen? Ever been without either?

Oct 13, 2020

People say money isn't the most important thing. 

Perhaps those that say it has never been without it. It's importance ranks right up there with oxygen.

Michael is a no-frills guy. As one of the most knowledgeable coaches and trainers in the United States in health, fitness, and...

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What is Really Systemic that Causes Most Poor Health Including Being Overweight

Oct 12, 2020

There has been a lot of talks lately and the term "systemic racism" used. I believe that the only thing for sure that is systemic in our society is shame.

In my experience, poor health is almost always caused by poor choices and habits people make. 

Michael is a no-frills guy. As one...

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