
Be and Look Like You Always Dreamed You'd Be

I Help Nourish Health Conscious People with Depleted Energy Who Have Failed to Get to a Healthy Weight

The Power of Nutrition with a Purpose™:

● Look and Feel Great
● More Energy & Deeper Sleep
● Calm Will Be Your New Normal

Get my 3-Step Plan to Lose Up to 12 Pounds Per Month Without Starving or Killing Yourself With Strenuous Workouts

 Feeling Burdened by Excess Weight & Lacking Energy Is Emotionally and Socially Distressing

Enduring hurtful comments and facing judgment from others about your appearance can lead to feelings of shame and isolation.

Can you imagine the sting of being publicly ridiculed when I was called a "whale" in front of others, causing me to want to hide away from the world. The daily struggle of mustering the courage to face colleagues, all the while knowing they were silently questioning why I had let myself go, only added to the weight of my insecurities.

Fortunately, I stumbled upon a transformative solution that changed my life. Through the discovery of superfoods and ancient health practices, previously unfamiliar to me, I found a natural approach to wellness that surpassed the disappointments of several past failed diets. By embracing these powerful tools, I realized that I could nourish my body back to health and vitality without deprivation or unrealistic expectations.

Hi, I'm Michael Lantz, and I'm excited to share my journey with you. By incorporating profound superfoods and ancient health techniques into my lifestyle, I've unlocked boundless energy, reclaimed my confidence, and achieved remarkable physical health.

As someone deeply passionate about health and fitness, with numerous Ironman triathlon finishes under my belt, I've dedicated myself to not only pursuing my own dreams but also empowering others to realize their full potential. Together, through network marketing and coaching, we can embark on a journey toward optimal health, financial freedom, and self-fulfillment.

Remember, each of us possesses a unique and empowering gift to offer the world. Let me guide you on a path to radiant health, undeniable confidence, and becoming the person you've always envisioned yourself to be.

Grab Your FREE 3-Step Plan to Lose Up to 12 Pounds Per Month Without Starving or Killing Yourself in a Gym

Partner With Me & Enjoy These Amazing Outcomes

Have Youthful Energy

Propel your energy with superfood nutrition; high-quality New Zealand protein, and an unbelievable array of trace minerals!

Look Fantastic Naked

With the power of Cleansing (detox) get into a state of fat-burning and lean sexy muscle-building, and allow our unique marine collagen to make your skin childlike again!

Making Calm Energy Your New Normal 

Using a proprietary blend of trace ionic minerals and the most stress-defeating adaptogens in any one product, you'll Calm Your Chaos™ and sleep all night.




"When I hit 40 I kept gaining weight and I tried so many different diets. Michael's coaching and his wonderful nutritional offerings were exactly what this busy mom needed!"



"This product is everything it states it is. Easy to follow. Feel energetic. I lost quite a bit of weight and feel healthier than when I started. The test was better than I anticipated. It's worth every cent. I couldn't shed the weight am in perimenopausal, and I mean nothing worked. I tried every gimmick out there. Only 7lbs in 6mths I could lose. A friend recommended [Michael's] 30-Day Reset and the weight peeled off. 5 stars hands down."



"Michael said I'd look better naked. What do you think? My wife fell back in love with me! It's awesome!"

List of Our Features

🏆 9-Day Systems upto a Full 30-Day Systems

🏆 Step-by-step daily list of what to do

🏆 Access to a health coaches who understand your individual situation

🏆 All Organic and naturally sourced ingredients from all over the world

🏆 Science tested

🏆 A 24/7 master health blog

🏆 30-day Unconditional Money Back Guarantee

🏆 Order once or save 25% wall all orders with a subscription plan

🏆 Millions of satisfied customers in 25 countries

🏆 Michael and his team's coaching

Frequently Asked Questions

What makes your program different?


Will you guarantee my results?


I have food allergies. Is there a list of ingredients that I can review before I purchase?


Food allergen table

I require plant-based. Do you offer a plant-based alternative?