Isagenix vs Keto; Which health and diet method is best for you?

Perhaps two of the most popular ways to lose weight are found in Isagenix and ketogenic.
Which one is better for you?
I’ve used both and will share my overall results and assessment for you to decide which is best for you, Isagenix vs Keto.

Let’s dive into the results

Isagenix vs Keto; Which health and diet method is best for you?

If you are exploring ways to gain better health through your diet, I commend you for taking this step!

According to the CDC, “Obesity-related conditions include heart disease, stroke, type 2 diabetes, and certain types of cancer that are some of the leading causes of preventable, premature death.”

They also report, “The estimated annual medical cost of obesity in the United States was $147 billion in 2008 US dollars; the medical cost for people who have obesity was $1,429 higher than those of normal weight.”

By far the number one reason people choose Isagenix or a Ketogenic diet is to initially lose weight. Although both of these lifestyles provide other benefits as well such as more energy, performance, and muscle gain or retention.

In fair disclosure, I am an Isagenix distributor who is compensated when people purchase their systems or products from me.

Because I’ve used both Isagenix and ketogenic extensively, I’m the best qualified to make this review.

What is the cornerstone of weight loss?

People that choose the Isagenix health systems or a Keto (ketogenic) lifestyle all must adhere to the science of weight loss.

The number one diet to lose weight is unfortunately the least effective. The most widely used method is the EAT LESS MOVE MORE Diet has a 93% overall long-term FAILURE rate. While both Isagenix and keto contain calorie restriction like the Eat Less Move More diet, they also use principles that will lower the insulin response so that fat is burned and metabolism increased.

Weight loss is therefore done best when metabolic rate is maintained or increased.

In a starvation diet, like the Eat Less Move More, fat stores are hard to get access to. Isagenix and keto both move a person into a fat-burning state without lowering metabolism.

The brain’s fuel need is the driving force in weight loss

The brain is only 3 pounds but needs about 600 calories a day. If your body is not yet “fat-adapted,” like it will get on the Isagenix and ketogenic (keto) methods, it is fully dependent on glucose (i.e., sugar). Your body has on average about 1,400 stored calories of glucose in the form of glycogen, mostly in your liver and some in the muscle tissues. On a starvation diet, you’ll use up this 1,400 calories first before you begin to burn fat. But if you’re not “fat adapted” once your level of stored glucose is used, your brain will freak out and send major food cravings at you for more carbohydrates. Even though you have 60+ days of calories stored in fat, your brain wants its glucose.

On the Isagenix and keto programs, you’ll train your body to become “fat adapted” so that you can burn fat for fuel instead of glucose. When you burn fat your body creates the brain’s other fuel source, ketones. Thus, the name of keto or ketogenic. When your brain receives ketones, it is a happy camper and will not send the major food cravings as it does on the Eat Less Move More diet.

Fat Burning under the Isagenix and Keto Methods

Both the Isagenix and keto programs move your body into a state of fat adaption. Isagenix does this with Its famous intermittent fasting + cleansing. Keto does it by its fasting-mimicking diet of low carbohydrate and high fat.

Isagenix recommends you do an “extended” fast at least once per week. On Isagenix, you’ll end your day with a shake meal and not eat again until breakfast after fasting on the second day. These weekly extended fast you’ll go without food for approximately 36 hours.

Then Isagenix recommends a “two-day” fast once every six months. This is going without food for two complete days or a fasting period of approximately 60 hours.

During these Isagenix extended fasts, your body is becoming fat adapted and building the body functions to help you burn fat and give your brain its needed ketones.

On a keto diet by going low carb mimics a fast and your goal as mentioned in the video it goes into and maintains a steady state of ketosis. On the Isagenix program, you’ll move into ketosis only during the fasting periods.

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