Is the EAT Less MOVE More Diet effective for me? Part II of III


EAT Less MOVE More Diet

It has a 93% failure rate. You can lose weight but you can sustain it.

What's going on in the Land of Metabolism?

Mr. Brain is stingy. He does not like to share his food (glucose, i.e., blood sugar) with anyone.

One day he sees that Mrs. Fitness is going hard at the gym and she is using up all his food. He diligently watches her. She goes home and only eats an apple.

He's pissed because she didn't put back what she used (glycogen).

This goes on for several days. Pretty soon his cupboard of food (glycogen) is getting low. He then goes to his computer and readjusts and lowers what Mrs. Fittness will use during the day (metabolism). This makes Mrs. Fitness become very tired and no energy. It makes her sad.

Then like the evil person he is, sends Bubba Hunger, the henchmen, to sabotage Mr. Fitness because he knows her will power is now weak.  Mrs. Fitness soon can't stand it anymore. An apple doesn't cut it. She goes to work and is very "hangry." She verbally tears her boss's head off. She swears at a customer. Everyone in the office is now avoiding her.

Then she strolls into the employee lounge and sees a box half full of uneaten donuts. She says, "Screw feeling like crap!" She then eats the entire box.

Mr. Brain is happy.

Mrs. Fitness is sad. She binged the rest of the day and night and gained 4 pounds.

Mrs. Fitness is very disappointed. She quits her diet.

And as Paul Harvey would say, "And now you know the rest of the story."


Download our free guide to overcome Mr. Brain and Bubba:


Part I:

Part II:

Part III:



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