Can We Really Trust Food Commercials?


In my video, I had disdain for Ancel Keys. I'm not here to belittle him. Although many in my circle and from the evidence I've seen, he was wrong. What I don't know is if he was a fraud. There have been a lot of science that was wrong. Perhaps that was the case with him. 

For me now and hopefully you, the truth is evident, a diet lower in carbs and higher in saturated fat is generally more healthy.

What I do know is that low-fat diets are not safe. High carbohydrate and low-fat diet, the Western diet as some call it, has led to epic levels of:

  1. Heart disease
  2. Obesity
  3. Autoimmune illness
  4. Autism
  5. Neurological disorders
  6. Diabetes (adults and not children as young as 2 and some newborns)
  7. Depression
  8. Anxiety
  9. ADHD

—these are all conditions that are directly linked to diet, directly linked to the lies and scientific errors that spun a whole generation out of control.

Most food commercials are using many buzzwords that you need to understand are used to get you to think their product is safe. Some of the buzzwords used are (go to the blog, 12 Deceptive Words Food Manufacturers Are Using to Trick You):

  1. Fresh (or farm fresh)
  2. Natural (or All-Natural)
  3. Healthy
  4. Gluten Free
  5. Organic
  6. 100 calories
  7. No Trans Fat
  8. Naturally Sweetened
  9. No Sugar/Reduced Sugar
  10. With vitamins and minerals
  11. Whole Grains
  12. Made with…

As with anything in life, the buyer has to beware. You can't depend on the government to protect you because they are protecting big food and the pharmaceutical industry. Their protection has led to the most obese America in history. 

You have to take charge of your own health. Follow brands you trust because you've done your due diligence. Ask doctors a lot of questions. They are really pill pushers for big pharma, even if you believe they have your best interest at heart. The vast majority of doctors are clueless about nutrition. 


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