Lifestyle Marketing vs Target Marketing?

I love when a prospect reaches out to me and I don't have to go chase them.

I think if you're in sales in any way, shape or form; a realtor, lawyer, you sell cars, you put tile in bathrooms, whatever it is that you have an offering for, you would much rather have people reach out to.

In network marketing, that's the easiest way to grow a team.

Many people in this profession, like me, have no clue how to do that.

When I was a CPA, my calling card was just giving people a tax return with a tax lower than they expected. I just got referrals from that method because I didn’t know marketing at all.

There are two distinct ways to have people reach out to you

There are six distinct ways to influence people. One of those is to be attractive.

A lot of creators, especially females I see pop up on my Instagram feed, they're just very attractive, fitness models, they're traveling, their makeup is perfect, hair is perfect. They have the perfect lips, they have the perfect body. They're always showing their booties and people are attracted to their lifestyle. That's one way to get people to attract to you and to reach out to you and say, “Hey, I see your lifestyle. I really love what you're doing. I'm interested.”

The pro of that is you're just being yourself.
If that is who you really are, if you're that kind of an attractive person, maybe you're an athlete, maybe you're a guy that sculpts. You're just out showing your life to people.

That's what we see a lot on Facebook and you even see some creators on Instagram doing that.

The pro of that is, it's a good strategy because you're just showing your life to people.
The con of that is you're broadcasting this net and people who are following you want that lifestyle, but they may not be a good fit for what you're offering is.

That's the downside.

The target marketing method

Anyone can do target marketing, even a boring guy like myself who's a triathlete. We're geeks. I am also homebound and never travel to exotic places. I am here at home taking care of my Parkinson’s challenged wife.

When you narrow a niche down to a specific segment of people with a unique problem, and you become an expert at solving it, people will follow you.

When I first started on Facebook in January of 2010, I didn't know anything about marketing. My marketing strategy was authentic. I had lost a ton of weight, over 70 pounds. I just posted my before and after pictures of me and others I had helped. A lot of people came to me asking how I did that and if I could help them too. Without knowing, I did the second part of attracting prospects to me just by showing them weight loss. Therefore, my defacto target market wasn’t narrow at all. It was anyone who wanted to lose weight.

The con with that, is these people would lose 20, 30, 40 pounds then quit buying my products.
I didn't do a very good job of explaining to them that they needed to really keep this lifestyle up or they would gain all their weight back which most did.
I can't tell you how many times I've had people reach out to me for a 2nd, 3rd, 4th time to do it all over again.

I was constantly looking for more customers and I didn't have hardly anyone on my team doing the same thing. I didn't have duplication.

You have to narrow the niche down to a very narrow market.

If you're going to do weight loss, if you're in the network marketing and that's your gig, or skin, or more energy, or whatever your company's offering does, and you want duplication, then you better add income earning to the niche.
I should have said "Weight loss and earn more money than you can earn in a job by working at home part-time."

Then at least I would have attracted that kind of person.

If you're attraction strategy to gain leads is just being attractive to other people, you can automate parts of that. But generally, creators that I see on Instagram are not doing any automation.
But when you are like me on Instagram, with 171K followers;

My niche: I help people feel better, combat stress, and earn a second income from home.
I can automate a lot of that.
I can send messages all over social media, Facebook, Instagram, Pinterest, and YouTube for that message for solving that niche's problems.
And then customers just come to me by the automation process using funnels, messaging, and emails.

That's what I'm going to cover next week.




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