Failed Dieting Alert: The New Diet Scam to Avoid


New Diet Scam Alerts

1. Highly fit men and women or celebrities are hawking their system.

They are playing off your emotion or the trust you have in a celebrity only because of the kind of actor/actress they were.

2. They don't offer a complete money back guarantee

Because all diets do not work for all people there will be failures. The consumer should be given some guarantees if it fails them. When companies offer a 30-day money back guarantee they at least have a belief in their systems and are meeting the needs of the consumer. 

3. Use terms that it's the "Latest and Greatest"

Those terms are red flags.

4. A secret ingredient

One ingredient will not solve all human weight loss problems. While it may be beneficial, weight loss is multifaceted and the biggest variable being in the control of the hormone insulin.

5. The Eat Less Move More Diet

Any diet that is solely based on calorie balance may or may not succeed because weight loss is about fat burning and fat burning is all about controlling the hormone insulin. Eat less and starve and then work out to burn calories type diets will lower your metabolism and almost insure (93%) you'll gain your weight back. 

What to Look for in Better Diets

Good diets are based on peer-reviewed science. The best companies will have independent peer-reviewed scientific tests. Ask to see their reviews. 

Diets that at least address insulin with fasting, intermittent fasting, cleansing, and the right kind and amount of carbs, are better more predictable diets. 

Marketing Does Not Make a Diet Sound

The world needs marketing to expose their good products to those that need it the most. In this sense, marketing is adding value to others. Marketing that meets the specific needs of people is then service oriented toward consumer demands. 

However, not all companies follow ethical marketing. One tactic is to show you the best before and after photos. Some scrupulous companies steal the before and after photos of their competitors because their competitors deliver results that they've not widely achieved. 

As an Isagenix distributor, I've seen other companies use our before and after photos. It's unfortunate that those companies are creating a culture in their distributors to get sales at any costs. It compromises their company, their distributors, and the general public. Those companies will eventually fail. 

Isagenix International

1. We have peer-reviewed science.

2. We offer an unconditional 30-day money back guarantee on every product offered.

3. We address insulin's role in weight loss by using complex carbs, reduction of overall carbs, fasting/cleansing and intermittent fasting.

4. Many of our products work on a ketogenic, low-carb, high-fat diets.

I completely stand behind Isagenix. I've successfully used their products since February 2006 where I began my health and fitness transformation and originally lost 50 pounds and have kept the weight off since then. I began at 247 pounds. The day this blog is published on January 28, 2019, my weight is 192 pounds.

Learn more about Isagenix, please visit my storefront here.

 I can be reached to explore how our systems can help you with your weight loss, performance, and vitality needs by emailing me at [email protected].


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